Our Services
We welcome you to experience thorough, natural healing in our family-like practice. Through a variety of services, we’re here to help pregnant mothers, children, athletes and those of all ages to live a better life!
Nutritional Counseling
Both Dr. Ryan and Dr. Laura are licensed Nutritional counselors. They are advocates of the Paleo diet and offer high-quality nutritional supplements to enhance your healing through a healthy lifestyle. read more»
Chiropractic Care

If you’ve never been adjusted, we’ll gladly talk to you about care at our office
By addressing the underlying cause of your pain through chiropractic care, you can heal naturally on your own. Depending on your age and preference, we’ll choose the chiropractic technique that is best for your healing. Both chiropractors are experienced in a variety of techniques to ensure you get the exact care you need.
Activator Methods®
This is a system of spinal evaluation combined with a low force, handheld adjusting instrument that provides a gentle, precise adjustment. read more»
Thompson Drop Table
Thompson Terminal Point technique is a system of analysis and a special table that reduces the amount of energy needed to adjust your spine. read more»
This full spine approach relies on X-rays and a heat-sensing instrument for a thorough evaluation and documented results. read more»
After identifying which vertebrae have lost their normal motion or position, a specific manual thrust is applied to free up “stuck” spinal joints. read more»
Cranial Sacral
Not only is your skull made up of many bones, their ability to move can profoundly affect your health which is why we rely on this powerful technique. read more»
While many health problems can be traced to the spine, wrists, elbows, shoulders and knees, other joints of the body can be helped. read more»
New to Chiropractic Care?
We welcome you to experience the vast benefits of chiropractic care. If you’ve never been adjusted, we’ll gladly talk to you about care at our office, what you can expect when you visit and we’ll even demonstrate our technique on your hand so you can feel how gentle it is. Many of our patients are surprised how light adjustments can be.
Contact our friendly team today and experience our gentle care for yourself!